Posts tagged with music

  1. Baloji | ZOMBIES

    Congolese-Belgique musician, poet and film director BALOJI unleashes ZOMBIES - an energetic and dynamic observation on society’s obsession with mobile technology that often leaves us in a vegetative glaze as we gaze into illuminated screens. The unique and captivating artist shows us why he has been added to Cadence Films…

  2. Zimbabwean-born singer-songwriter and poet RUE shifts moods in urban dreamscape in short film ‘The Winter Collection’

    Earlier this year, multi-talented Zimbabwean-born singer-songwriter and poet RUE contributed poetry works for the groundbreaking SISTA! - an anthology of writings on same-gender love between women of African and Caribbean descent, including bi, queer, non-binary women. ‘The Summer Collection’ was the last EP that RUE released in late 2016. She…