Matheus Leite | A VOAR
The new short film ‘A VOAR’ (FLYING) by Brazilian filmmaker is a beautifully shot symbiotic relationship between force and fatigue in the face of racism which governs the amplitude to fly or the need to take rest.
Starring Heraldo de Deus and narrated by Brazilian legendary singer-songwriter Lazzo Matumbi, the true scene stealer is the young starlet Isabelle Cruz with her captivating gaze and deep onscreen countenance.
Eloquently stated by music artist Don L, ‘A VOAR’ is “a fight against the world to be part of the world you fight against.” Don L, whom along with musician Veterano offer the soundtrack to the expansive short film.
Watch ‘A VOAR’ below:
Matheus Leite | Instagram
Heraldo de Deus | Instagram
Isabelle Cruz | Instagram
Narrated by
Lazzo Matumbi | Instagram
Don L | Instagram
Veterano | Instagram
Marcelo Castilho | Instagram
Mariana Oliveira | Instagram
Amana Dultra
Gabriel Pirajá | Instagram